
the factory resumed production is still positive.

 Raw materials, prices continued to rise this week, selenium dioxide. August 23, 98% selenium dioxide quoted in 360-370 yuan / kg, compared with last week rose 20 yuan / kg. May 19 to August 23, this week, manganese, ferromanganese no significant fluctuations in the market, manufacturers offer stability. August 23, Guizhou, Hunan manganese 6517 tax factory acceptance price of 6650-6800 yuan / ton, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia 6517 tax factory acceptance silico-manganese prices in 6650-6850 yuan / ton, the South manganese 6014 taxes offer in 5350-5500 yuan / ton, Hunan, Guizhou, a group of manufacturers of high-carbon ferromanganese 65C7 tax phosphorous factory price 6050-6150 yuan / ton.
     Silico-manganese market remained stable this week, factory orders is better, a slight increase in the spot price, manufacturers offer little overall change. Currently silico-manganese market is still the main focus of a new round of bidding steel price fluctuations may be no. Because manganese orders changed for the better, manganese 6014 manufacturers resume production will increase, but higher production costs manganese 6517, the factory resumed production is still positive.
     This week ferromanganese market stability, the Molybdenum target offer the same, compared to the improvement of the order manganese, ferromanganese situation still seems difficult. Currently ferromanganese plant shutdowns is still more, because there was no significant improvement in prices and demand in the short term remains positive ferromanganese plant started.
     Although the price of manganese ore imports in August is still a certain extent of decline, but the trend is better steel, silico-manganese steel tender prices in September rose slightly larger hope. August 19 to August 23, this week, in order to stabilize the overall price of imported manganese ore mainly due to lower purchases for manganese situation has not significantly improved, some miners offer still weak. Currently silico-manganese prices are still no signs of rising, and manganese factory operating rate changed little in the short term the price of imported manganese ore is still hard out of the doldrums, ore prices steady weakening operation.

