Tungsten boat atomization device with small power, heating up fast, without the characteristics of the water cooling system; Products directly to the human body harmful elements of lead, cadmium test
The amount; Tungsten boat: metal furnace has the characteristics of heating speed, power, input power 500 va and 220 v input voltage, can achieve the rapid measurement
Heating requirements, without water cooling system.Tungsten eletrode- made out of metal tungsten, a boat, as the metal furnace core heating components. The operation is simple: tungsten boat of metal
Furnace adopts open boat type design, have enough sample with hole, plus easy to learn, easier operation, the result more accurate automatic removal of carbon deposition technology: tungsten
Boat atomic absorption method using high temperature and oxygen technology, tungsten boat can automatically remove carbon and other residues, keep constant analysis important conditions, make the measurement
The results accurate and reliable. Self-priming buckle the background technologies: structure is simple, the same optical path, the same optical properties, background subtraction effect is good, precision detection results
Degree is high. Using the environment temperature: 10-30 ℃; Each tube liquid capacity: 0.60 mL; Each tube hemolysis quantity: 20 mu L; Accuracy: + / - 15%;
The load error: 0.617 g (+ / - 0.019 g); Of variation (CV) : 10% or less; Of variation (CV) : 10% or less;
Stability: in the period of validity for 6 months, and its performance meets the requirements of 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7;
Appearance: centrifugal of diluent tube should be smooth, without defects such as burrs. Dilutions should be transparent liquid, no precipitation and floc;
Product scope: special diluent BH5100S1 / T1 type atomic absorption spectrometer for BH5100S1 / T1 type atomic absorption spectrometer, and the original
BH5100plus type atomic absorption spectrometer analysis testing, to dilute the human whole blood.
tungsten copper alloyscope of application: widely used in tube, mirrors, toys, household appliances, mobile phones, electrical enclosure, and various accessories such as vacuum coating industry.
Product features: good conductive, thermal conductivity and high temperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance.