
TIG welding is often referred to as TIG welding

TIG welding is often referred to as TIG welding, heat is generated between a non-consumable electrode arc welding and working materials ; electrode rods , melting pool , near the arc and working materials are heated by a gas state area protection from the atmosphere is mixed , this protection is provided by supplying a flow of gas or gas mixture , which is usually an inert gas must be able to provide full protection, because even very small amounts of air pollution will be mixed with the weld . TIG Kekai tungsten filament rod is used as the electrode coupled argon protect welding method , the method constituted as shown. Argon welding torch continuously ejected from the nozzle , in the absence of air around the arc protective layer to prevent its tungsten electrode , bath and heat affected zone adjacent to obtain high-quality weld formation . Welding process can be added or without filler wire according to the specific requirements of the workpiece.

